Few clouds

Aircraft Storage Information

Rent a hangar or tie down space at Flagstaff Pulliam Airport

Airport Administrative Office

The Flagstaff Pulliam Airport has numerous shades and hangars that can be rented on a monthly basis for the storage of your aircraft. Currently there are no vacancies. If you wish to be put on the waitlist, please see below.

If you are a current tenant and have questions about your billing, please check theĀ City of Flagstaff Billing Services Page.

If you are a current tenant and wish to cancel your lease, please make sure to give us written confirmation 30 days prior to your cancellation date.

Waitlist Policy

The Flagstaff Pulliam Airport currently has a waiting list for those who wish to lease a shade or hangar from the Airport.

This policy is designed to provide a simple and fair process for aircraft owners. It is mandatory to be on the waitlist in order to lease a space. Airport policy is to process the waiting lists by the date the request was submitted.

  • If you are interested in renting a space, please fill out the application above. Please remember that it is the responsibility of the applicant to keep this information current and let the Airport Administration know of any changes in contact information.
  • Your positions on the waiting list may not be sold, gifted, or transferred.
  • Any current tenants who wish to lease additional hangars or shades must re-apply to the waitlist again.
  • The airport reserves the right to give priority to current tenants or make changes according to the discretion of the Airport Director. Vacant hangar spaces are first offered to current tenants who are on our transfer list from shades to hangars, then to those on our waitlist.
  • Applicants will have a week from our initial call to accept, pass, or refuse their offer. Applicants will be called up to 3 times or until we receive a response during that 1 week period. Failure to respond will be considered a pass. Each applicant is permitted two (2) passes and will be placed back at the bottom of the waitlist. Upon the third pass or failure to respond, the applicant will be removed from the waiting list. 
  • After removal, an applicant must wait 6 months before filling out a new application.