Scattered clouds

Airport Commission

Information about those who oversee the Flagstaff Pulliam Airport

Airport Commission Meetings

The Airport Commission consists of seven Council-appointed citizens. The Airport Commission is responsible for reviewing and reporting to the Flagstaff City Council on matters affecting the operation and efficiency of the airport, using the Airport Master Plan as a guide. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 1 pm in the airport conference room or via Microsoft Teams meeting. The link to join can be found on the meeting’s agenda.

To become a member of a City Board and Commission, please visit the Flagstaff Boards and Commissions page.

Previous Airport Commission Meetings


Gail JacksonVice Chair
David SteinerCommissioner
Tom WaddellChair
Robert HanovichCommissioner
Kolby WhiteCommissioner
Andrew ShouseCommissioner

Airport Staff

Heidi HansenEconomic Vitality Director
Brian GallAirport Director
Adam MieleAirport Programs Manager
Tim SkinnerARFF/Ops Manager
Claire HarperAirport Communications Manager & Commission Liaison
Miciela SahnerRecording Secretary